The Casa da Memória is an interpretation and knowledge centre that exhibits, interprets and communicates tangible and intangible testimonies, that help build a fuller knowledge of the culture, territory and history of Guimarães, of the people of different origins and mentalities who forged the local identity, working with and for the community, specialists and local agents, from a wide range of different backgrounds, with a view to developing active and participatory citizenship. The Casa da Memória is also a meeting place, enabling the local community to meet the outside world and the community to meet with itself. The centre proposes a multiple, diverse and non-linear vision of the past, present and future of Guimarães, here and in the world. The Casa da Memória is guided by the values of learning, knowledge, belonging, tolerance and diversity.

The Casa da Memória favors learning as a dynamic process, which begins with the experience and references of visitors for the enjoyment and knowledge of the materials on display in the visit. The discourse of the exhibition includes mediation and interpretation tools and instruments, which serve as facilitating elements between the work/s, collection/s, concepts and audiences.

The Casa da Memória enhances the production of new scientific, creative and artistic knowledge, not only with the individual, but also with schools, higher educational institutions and communities, based on vailability, sharing of documentation, records and information. In this context, it will also seek to articulate the provision of relevant information regarding its main fields of thematic intervention with other institutions (libraries, archives, institutes, museums, universities and associations).

The Casa da Memória stimulates new interpretations and approaches to the construction of the memory of the local territory and the local inhabitants, in conjunction with local communities, through their involvement and participation in the collection, registration and mediation processes; for temporary visitors it aims to foster a relationship of belonging to the territory, through the visiting experience, activating post-visit initiatives that will foster continuity of this relationship of belonging, which is viewed as being essential for active and participative citizenship.

By understanding memory as a multiple and participatory construction process, the Casa da Memória promotes a culture of diversity, aware of its essential dimension in building a more just, supportive and tolerant citizenship.