Rede Oficina
Gangue de Guimarães
Residências Artísticas
Creative Grants
Networks And Partnerships
WEDNESDAY 11 OCTOBER, 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Oficina “Para quê participar?”
This workshop proposes to introduce critically the theme of participatory and community artistic practices. Different experiences and research developed in recent years will be convened in this space, in order to discuss the fundamental elements of these artistic practices, as well as their potentialities/fragilities and the link to civic and political participation. The workshop also includes a brief approach to the concepts of culture and participation, the historical development of participatory and community artistic practices, and the quality of cultural and artistic participation.
Profissionais e estudantes das áreas das artes, ciências sociais e humanas, particularmente da educação, saúde, decisores políticos, técnicos de autarquias, entre outros
Lotação esgotada
Mais informações através do email ou do telefone 253 424 716
(chamada para a rede fixa nacional)